Diposkan oleh TUTORIAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Wednesday, June 30, 2010 1 komentar
The object of this one most in use in the car now ..
Its main usefulness is to increase his efficiency in a series of electrical cables. Confused?

Example: Device that would in turn: electric fan .. if you want her to live life ac .... , How most easily ac compressor cable injector of it .. but the cord from the ac compressor was already burdened by the power used by the compressor itself .... what if burdened again by the electric fan .... .. feared would overload it can be used relay .. so loads taken from the compressor is very small because the cable is only used to power the relay. (0.5 amperes) .... while the load to turn the electric fan relay is borne by the ...

There are many types of relays on the market including many of the existing brands. We will not discuss the brand, but will be given the knowledge about the type RELAY on the market, which is like below:

Relay 4 Legs

Relay 5 Legs


Aspects Relay (example: Hella, Bosch, etc.) (RELAY 4 FEET)
relay trigger consists of two terminals, one input terminal and an output terminal.

Terminal trigger : the terminal that will activate the relay .. like other electronic devices will relay active if the tap flows and current + -. relay in the example we use is a trigger terminal 85 and 86.
Terminal input : that is where we give an input terminal in the example is a terminal 30

Terminal output : the place out .... in the example output is terminal 87.

Explanation of Figure:

Pertama2 trigger terminal connected to the flow plus (85) .. and then through the switch terminal 86 in the given flow -, immediately after the switch is enabled, then the relay will be active.

Actually terminals 85 and 86 (terminal triggers) that are wrapped around the tip of the coil on an iron core in accordance with the laws of physics ... If a coil wrapped around an iron core and the coil is electrified the iron core will produce a magnetic field.

so does that happen here, an iron core produces a magnetic field (marked with the color purple) ... immediately after the coil energized ... then the magnetic field that occurred in the iron core draw bridge (green) made of metal. (usually iron

when the bridge was interested in the terminals 30 and 87 will be connected according to its name .... bridge that connects the gap between 30 and 87.
When this was said RELAY ON

We live our active relays that use the road that had not been separated by a chasm to deliver something ... from the input terminal (30) to the output terminal (87 )..... if it has been active in this way can anything sent from 30 to 87 ... if we give examples + currents at 30 then at 87 will exit the current + or vice versa ....

How it Works RELAY 5 FEET

Relay 5 feet from the picture above it looks that the relay is basically the same as four relay legs .. but it has advantages in the terminal to the fifth (which is in the middle with a 87a) are also known as Relay relay breaker ...

In the relay is located on the terminal lights will glow when the relay 87a in the off position ... otherwise the lamp will die when the relay on (normally closed terminal 87a).

if relay leg 5 with the terminal in the middle there is no letter "a" it (87) this means the same thing with four legs used to relay only the output is in cabangkan ahead ... so you can switch two accessories as well.

Hopefully Helpful,


  1. Unknown Says:

    This article has been very informative. I have always been confused about how electrical relays in indianapolis in work. Thanks for the information. How do you work the electrical relay into a remote control type system?

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